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Sándor Pinczehelyi


  • Sándor Pinczehelyi Hengerek I Rolls, 1975 - 2022 In the beginning of the 70s, Sàndor Pinczehelyi did various operations and actions with the sikle as a tool. While documenting these actions a number of pictures were taken that were used as the base of graphics and paintings later on. The series titled "Hengerek | Rolls" of 1975 was made at that time by laying down two rolls side by side after placing the selected two-two photos on them. Slowly rolling the rolls the phases of variation were photographed. Then the artist put the printed pictures next to each other creating the tableaux in this way. In the past few years this series was reused in numerous different ways. The last step is this NFT series, which gives new dimensions to the work of art due to the recolouring.

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