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Balázs Veres


Artist statement, Balázs Veres Born in Hungary in Pécs 1982. Balázs graduated as a sculptor at University of Pécs Faculty of Arts. He lights ont he concrete material meanwhile at university years. His the biggest part of artworks made from concrete. And then in 2015 Balázs wint the 1st. prize of Academy of Fine Arts and Crafts Association ont he National Statuette Quadrennial. Balázs gets one of the most outstanding award, Gyula Derkovits scholarship for three years. He features on XX. Bienal de Arte de Cerveira in Portugal in 2018 and V. London Art Biennale in 2021. Balázs establishes the first national Concrete statue symposium in Szigetmonostor in 2016 that works ever since. In 2018 he co-founded BUMm studio house. His works can be seen in public spaces and several private collections. Balázs nowadays experiments of the colors in his concrete art and he researches the contacts of colors and shapes and the new 3D printed shapes and traditional art between. Balázs’s statues at the same time sensual and robust.